I was replying to a post on another blog earlier.The man had asked how he could get his GF to let him cum in her mouth.I left my reply and was left with reminiscing thoughts of my own.
Then about 18 months after that just before my 17th birthday.I met an older man of 26.Very much a ladies man and very well versed in all aspects of sex.In fact i learnt more from him than from anyone else.He was a very good teacher.He eventually persuaded me to try sucking his cock again.Teaching me different ways to do it and how to vary the sensations and how to never forget the balls.He never came in my mouth during those lessons though.
Then he suggested we go further.He already knew my earlier attempt and he said that wouldn't happen with him.
He began by pulling out just before he came and doing it onto my closed mouth so i could taste the cum on my lips.Then just onto my tongue,using my tongue as a guard so i didnt get a big mouthful.Eventually i got more confident and liked the taste and eventually loved him cummin in my mouth.
Eventually though as all ladies men do he moved on to pastures new.But,left me with some wonderful skills to pass onto other men.