Are Pantyboys sissy boys. That one is probably split. Some are sissys yes and other are just masculine men who like to wear them.
What is the attraction. I've heard many responses to this question. Firstly woman wear them. They look pretty. They feel soft and silky against my skin. They squeeze my cock and balls giving me a nice sensation. I want to look like a girl. There are many more I maybe haven't mentioned.
Anna loves to have Pantyboys parade in front of her in their panties . Then stand there while she slides their cocks out of them. Sometimes putting them across my lap and spanking their cute panty clad bottoms. Other times lying them on the floor straddling them and pulling my panties aside so I can slide their throbbing cocks into me
A cute t-shirt I found on cafepress online

I think you've created a new pantyboy Mistress Anna
When I was a kid I used to wear panties on my head when I was pretending to be an astronaut.
Love that Tshirt Anna
To serve you as a Pantyboy would be an honor . To wear your panties would be a dream come true
I think I have too Joe
You were an unusual child Rev
It's great I know Ophelia
Words a Mistress loves to hear Pretty Pete
Mistress has previously written about one pantyboy/sissyboy She has created.--db
Yes she certainly has db
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