Many of you have asked how do I meet my subs and in particular how did I meet db. Well most of my subs I have found online on various websites ( Fetlife, Ashley Madison, Craigslist ) or sometimes just by chatting with people online. However, I met db in a slightly different manner.
We actually met in a book store.
Just by chance one afternoon I was in Mc Nally Robinsons looking at a book it was titled Venus in Furs by Leopold Sacher-Masoch. I noticed db standing there looking at the same book. I enquired if it was any good. He actually blushed . So ,I said I think you'd like to buy me a coffee. There is an adjoining coffee shop.
He said he would very much like to buy me a coffee . Whilst drinking our coffee I brought up the book. Which is actually about deviant sex among other things. db seemed very well versed in the books subject matter . After coffee we walked back into the book store and I suggested db should purchase me a copy which he did. I think we both realised without words that this was the beginning of something. I felt right from when our eyes met that db was going to be my sub and now he's my very special sub. I do sometimes train other subs but db knows he always will be mine.

Love those pictures.
I had a sneaking suspicion you didn't meet db at a truck stop.
Sexy photo's Anna. I had wondered where you connect with like minded people. Your sub db in his comments appears to be a well educated man. So it does not surprise me that's where you two met
Thank you Joe
The only good thing at Truck stops are the breakfasts
Thank you Ophelia. db is indeed a well educated man and we connect on so many levels We have quite a spiritual connection.
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