Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hypnotising db

When you entrust your mind to a loving Goddess the world regains it's balance.

What is a Hypnodomme?

A Dominant Woman who uses hypnosis and mind control to get what She wants from a submissive.

For, sometime db and myself had discussed the possibility of me hypnotising him. We did some research online and decided to give it a try. I could quite envision myself as a Hypnodomme.  db bought me a necklace with an Emerald stone to match my green eyes.

db knows how much I love to take Alpha Men  (since there was a time long ago when he was one ) not inclined to submissive behaviour and seduce and brainwash them into submission. The hypnosis would be another instrument for that.

The thought of using hypnosis to control more men would make me smile and feel empowered by the thought that men were so easily seduced and enslaved. I love to break strong men. Sometimes it takes longer but I loved eventually bringing them to their knees.

db sat in a chair naked except for his panties of course. I played the hypnosis cd we'd purchased and dangled the necklace in front of his eyes. I spoke the words along with the cd and eventually db drifted into a trance like state. I ordered him to surrender to my voice.  I told him his mind, body and soul belongs to me. db was instructed to grovel at my feet and pray to me as the Goddess I am. After ,he'd complied I awoke him and asked him how he felt.

He said he felt  he'd been taken deeper and deeper and was now captured in a spell by an Enchantress



Anonymous said...

I could go along with this subject to the proviso that if you successfully hypnotize me you can do as you will (other than drain my bank & brokerage accounts) but if you can't hypnotize me then I get to do whatever I want to you (other than drain your bank & brokerage accounts).

db said...

i remember vividly how i just fell under the influence of the swaying emerald pendant the first time. The experience itself was so restful and soothing that i've become addicted to it. i've sometimes even begged Mistress Anna to have a hypnosis session. Once under, i feel like Her voice is inside my head and Her suggestions coming from within me. i really do feel She owns me mind body and soul. --db

Lavender Fields said...

You have a deal Rev. You know I love a challenge

Lavender Fields said...

I love to have you beg to be put under my spell db