The other day I was watching the tv show " My Strange Addiction". On it was a lady addicted to breast enlargement. She was currently a LLL and wanted to go up to an unheard of QQQ .I'm not sure if she found a Plastic Surgeon willing to do it
.I'd be interested in hearing if she did. Now I;m all for freedom of choice its your body and if that makes her happy then im not about to criticize someones choices in life.
My question is would you have plastic surgery ?
Such as the following :-
Penis stretching and enlargement surgery
Labiaplasty, Braxilian Butt lift, Vaginoplasty
I'm thinking firstly sounds painful. Secondly I could be a whole new woman
I could maybe even sell my newly bought virginity on ebay.
I think I could start bidding at a $1. I might even get lucky and get $1.25
I may not be qualified to be a porn star (I've seen some gargantuan peckers in porn flicks) but I've never received a complaint about my ever-ready companion, Pink Floyd, on account of his size, rigidity or willingness to cum where no man has cummed before.
As for women undergoing cosmetic surgery, it's obvioulsy entirely their choice but I never saw, felt of or licked a woman who was more attractive after surgery than she was before.
There are few things more offensive to me (with regards to a woman's appearance) than a gal with gravity-defying tits who looks like she was shot in the back with a couple of rocket propelled grapefruit.
No thank you.
I agree with you Rev.I think peoples genitals and mammary glands look great just the way nature intended them . Big or small
Women think all men want big tits. Men think all women crave dicks that would look better in a stallion than on a man. Everyone agrees that pussies should be tight. But if women are out there having sex with men who are hung like horses, where are normally sized men supposed to find tight pussies?
Not a problem I identify with - just an idle thought.
I did once get to experience one of those mega size dicks. I honestly understood the term walking like a cowboy for days after. It was an experience but not one I'd want on a daily basis. I'd be permanently bow legged.
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