Monday, February 9, 2015

Question and Answer time

Firstly, thank you to Real Panties for publishing a pic of me in some panties. Go here to check it out.

Now, some replies to questions I am getting emailed.

 Do you reply to emails ?
Yes,i reply to all emails. It may take me a day or two but I will reply

Are there photos of me?
Yes ,sprinkled among my posts there are real pics
There are not though any face shots

Do I have sex with men other than subs ?
Yes, I have lovers both male and on occasion female. Also, I  have subs both male and female .

Is db real?
Yes,db is real. We have known each other for a number of years

Do I talk online?
Very rarely due to my busy sex and personal life


Anonymous said...

Nice ass.

As long as I have a face, you will always have a place to sit.

You're brave to post photos of yourself on line even if you avoid face shots.

In a prior web incarnation I posted unprovocative photos of myself including face shots. But now that I have decided to be more outrageous and more candid about things I've done & things that happened to me, there won't be any recognizable photos of The Beast (though On rare occasions real of real photos of Reverend's gavel and the pink parts of a few of his playmates are sprinkled included in his the blog "All You Need Is Lust").

Lavender Fields said...

Well thank you Rev a girl always likes to know she has an available face to sit on

Anonymous said...

Love your nipples and sexy breasts. You are sexy lady Miss Anna xxx

Lavender Fields said...

Thank you for your kind words Anon. Xxx