Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Granny Porn

Someone asked me the other day about granny porn. Hey I am all for it. If the granny's are having fun with the young studs way to go granny. Age should have no restrictions. Some granny porn photos for you



  1. I'm not much into granny porn. Even though I'm old enough to be a grandfather, my wife is young enough to be my daughter & my kids are young enough to be my grand kids.

    A few years ago my email box was littered with spam about the dozens of hot young teenaged girls with web cams who live near me and who are dying to show me their pink parts.

    Now my email box is full of spam about engaging older women desperate to have some gentlemanly companionship.


    If I didn't take the bait about dozens of teenage girls who want to show me their pink parts why do they think I will be tempted by grannies who want to show me their dried up, withered vitals?

  2. There is quite a demand for granny porn which might surprise you Rev. Some men are attracted to the droopy and dried up bits. I think it's awesome . I think it's great these granny's are still enjoying sex and embracing there mature bodies
